Our work aims to achieve our strategic objectives of improved safety, productivity, regulatory efficiency and environmental outcomes across land transport.
Our goal is end-to-end regulation to support the safe commercial deployment and operation of automated vehicles at all levels of automation in Australia.
We're working on behalf of transport ministers to deliver an updated Heavy Vehicle National Law in Australia. The goal is to simplify the law to enhance safety while delivering industry productivity and flexibility. Consultation is now open.
The National Rail Action Plan and current work program support a national vision for a modernised, seamless and safe rail system.
Each year, we share a progress report with infrastructure and transport ministers on the status of national land transport reforms.
The Evaluation Framework will be used to understand the outcomes of national land transport reform, while enabling us to provide evidence-based advice to the Transport Ministers.
Read the relevant load restraint guide to ensure you meet load restraint standards for light and heavy vehicles in Australia.
The Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail sets out the requirements for transporting dangerous goods by road or rail.
Assessing Fitness to Drive is a joint NTC and Austroads publication containing the nationally agreed medical standards for granting a driver's licence.
All health assessments of rail safety workers in Australia are conducted in line with the current edition of the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers
These guidelines support nationally-consistent trial conditions at all levels of automation.
The National voluntary guidelines for landside stevedore charges establish clear protocols for notification and communication on increases to existing, or the introduction of new, charges levied on transport operators for access to pick up or drop off con
The Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) regulates heavy vehicles over 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass in participating states and territories.
The Rail Safety National Law aims for a seamless and coordinated national approach to rail safety regulation in Australia.
The model Australian Road Rules form the basis of road rules of each Australian state and territory.
The Australian Light Vehicle Standards Rules are model rules that regulate in-service vehicle standards for light vehicles. They form the basis for each state and territory to implement in their own vehicle standards rules.
The Framework provides nationally uniform exemptions for the use of Australian Defence Force (ADF) military vehicles and equipment on public roads.
The Heavy Vehicle Charges Model Law sets registration charges for heavy vehicles and defines the methodology for calculating annual adjustments.
Heavy vehicle charges aim to recover heavy vehicle related expenditure on roads from heavy vehicle operators.
The Road User Charge (RUC) applies to each litre of diesel used by heavy vehicles such as buses, coaches and trucks on public roads.