Motor accident injury insurance and automated vehicles

We have developed reform to enable people injured or killed in a crash involving an automated vehicle to access an equivalent level of care, treatment, benefits and compensation to that experienced by people injured or killed in an accident involving a vehicle controlled by a human driver.



Transport ministers agreed in August 2019 on a national approach to insurance for automated vehicles that requires existing motor accident injury insurance schemes to provide cover for automated vehicle crash injuries.

Ministers responsible for motor accident injury insurance schemes, through the Board of Treasurers, have been asked to endorse the transport ministers’ decision. A treasury officials working group is considering the policy issues and options identified in this project, and will report to the Board on progress. 

Subject to the decisions of the Board, further work by all jurisdictions, with support of the NTC, is required to:

  • review insurers’ mechanisms to recover their claims costs
  • create provisions enabling people involved in an automated vehicle crash to access MAII schemes
  • develop a data access framework for MAII insurers to determine liability.

Previous consultations

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