Updating the Guidelines for Trials of Automated Vehicles in Australia

The Guidelines for trials of automated vehicles, a joint publication of the NTC and Austroads, were first published in 2017. In this first review, the NTC consulted with a broad cross-section of the transport community to understand the lessons learned from trials to date and how the guidelines may be updated to reflect these.

Transport ministers approved the updated guidelines in November 2020. 

Project update

Following the November 2020 meeting, Ministers directed us to do further work help with implementation of the updated guidelines. This includes facilitating the creation of best practice tools for government and industry to: 

  • improve trial application processes 
  • explore how trials can be approved across borders
  • share safety insights and data from trials.

In 2020, the NTC undertook workshops with government stakeholders on this work. We also developed a central, online hub with information for industry. The hub was launched in the second half of 2021 and includes details and advice on how to set up Australian trials.

Previous consultation

NTC Discussion Paper - Review of guidelines for trials of automated vehicles in Australia

Published on 12 May 2020